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Milford Youth Soccer - NWCCSAY

Finley Ray Park (900 Finley Ray Drive, Milford, OH 45150)

Take I-275 to exit 59A (Milford Parkway) and follow the road approximately one mile to the fields on the left.

** Service Pets Only Are Allowed At Finley Ray Park**

New Finley Ray Park is a privately owned park and is managed by Greater Milford Athletic Association (GMAA). A portion of all sport participants’ registration fees are used for improving park facilities and providing quality maintenance services.  New Finley Ray Park consists of approximately 55 acres of which about half are used for sport activities, including soccer, baseball, and softball.  The park currently has 22 soccer fields and 15 ball diamonds, which service approximately 800 ball players and over 1000 soccer players each season.  The park has also been a host for various soccer and ball tournaments and camps.  The park has three pavilions (one large, two small) which can be used by any GMAA member, free of charge, for team parties during the sport season.  Use of the park facilities for non-members or other activities is also available for a fee. 

Park Hours:

  • The park is open beginning at 5 p.m. Monday through Friday during months with sport activities.

  • The park closes at dusk and at that time gates are closed and locked.  If vehicles are on the premises at this time, the vehicle will not be accessible until the next time the park is open and is subject to being towed.

  • The park is closed on weekends except during sport season months when games are scheduled.

Park Rules:

  • Dogs and pets are not permitted in the park.

  • Alcohol is not permitted in the park.

  • Firearms are not permitted in the park.

  • Glass containers are not permitted in the park.

  • Adult softball/baseball/soccer is not permitted.

  • Golfing is not permitted.

  • Observe the "No Parking" areas. Violators are subject to enforcement by the Milford Police Department.

  • Please observe and obey the 5 mph speed limit and 5 stop signs throughout the park.

  • Due to safety concerns and traffic volume, left turns out of the park are not permitted on Saturdays and Sundays.  Drivers leaving the park at all other times should be considerate of others exiting the park and be aware of possible traffic back-ups.

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